A Shanti Junior preschool in Bangalore where staff are committed to creating a place wherever your kid feels happy, secure and settled in a very warm, safe and stimulating environment and a place wherever your little ‘bramble’ are going to be able to ‘grow’.
The preschool year is the first step a child has on their learning journey and it's as equally as necessary as the other. Employees strive to make sure that learning is fun and to enable every kid to be healthy, to remain safe, to enjoy learning, to realize his or her best and to make positive contributions to our community. At preschool, the first foundation stones are ordered for your kid to realize a happy and successful future.
At Shanti Junior preschool in Bangalore each child matters and every individual is valued for the unique contribution he or she makes to our community. We anticipate everybody to show respect for others, to be courteous, accountable and caring, and we actively foster such behaviors. Our aim is to form AN environment that promotes children’s self-esteem, to form our school a place wherever pupils feel happy, safe and ready to relish learning.
We strive to produce a learning climate in which children will flourish and attain their very best, wherever they'll celebrate their differences and develop the talents and confidence to create happy and successful futures. By operating closely with parents and the community we aim to create strong and effective partnerships that facilitate children to thrive.
Preschool in Bangalore prides us on the family-like feel of our licensed kid care center. We treat your children as if they were our own, providing the very best quality child care. Several people have had our own children grow up in the extended Mini-School family. We welcome all families, and want each and every one to feel right reception.
For families who are moving or would like to help friends and family notice the Shanti Junior center nearest to them, Shanti Junior’s school finder could be a fast and easy way to find the nearest Shanti Junior center.
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