Preschools are fun- this is the general perception about preschools. The most aim behind sending kids to Shanti Junior preschool in Pune is to introduce education in a very fun filled way to them. It prepares them for preschool. How much a child enjoys the setting totally depends on the activities practiced.
Shanti Junior Preschool in Pune activities facilitate in developing and improving the cognitive and social skills of kids. The activities should be aimed to pique their interests and keep them occupied. They should even be directed towards building social skills and giving unfamiliar faces a chance to satisfy new friends.
Following activities are conducted in our Preschool
Animal Charades
Mix the pictures of different animals and place them in a bowl. Ask a child to come and pick any picture. The child must enact the animal that he picked. He will create some sounds and do some movements to make it clearer. It will improve his creativity.
Memory tray
Place many things on a tray and show it to each child. Then take the tray outside and ask them to remember all the things that were on the tray. Reward the child who remembers the maximum items. Such activities are a part of the programme in most of the preschool in Bangalore and nearby areas because such activities sharpen the memory.
Guess the object
Ask the students to put their hands in a bag filled with some things. Tell them that they're not supposed to look inside the bag but guess the item just by feeling it. Provide them 3-4 guesses. Reward them if they get it right.
Team games
Divide your class into small teams. Put balloons or balls on the floor and raise each group to place a specific colored balloon or ball in one bucket. The team who does it first, wins. Such games are aimed towards inculcating the feeling of team spirit' right from the childhood itself.
Physical sports
Games like football hide and obtain, throwing the ball into the basket etc. help to create the kids physically active. It’s also good for developing the interests of kids towards sports.
Singing, dancing and reading
Kids are inspired to sing and dance. It’ll help them open up and also eliminate stage fright. They won't feel back once asked to perform in front of a large audience. Such activities act as confidence booster.'
Shanti Junior Preschool in Pune activities facilitate in developing and improving the cognitive and social skills of kids. The activities should be aimed to pique their interests and keep them occupied. They should even be directed towards building social skills and giving unfamiliar faces a chance to satisfy new friends.
Following activities are conducted in our Preschool
Animal Charades
Mix the pictures of different animals and place them in a bowl. Ask a child to come and pick any picture. The child must enact the animal that he picked. He will create some sounds and do some movements to make it clearer. It will improve his creativity.
Memory tray
Place many things on a tray and show it to each child. Then take the tray outside and ask them to remember all the things that were on the tray. Reward the child who remembers the maximum items. Such activities are a part of the programme in most of the preschool in Bangalore and nearby areas because such activities sharpen the memory.
Guess the object
Ask the students to put their hands in a bag filled with some things. Tell them that they're not supposed to look inside the bag but guess the item just by feeling it. Provide them 3-4 guesses. Reward them if they get it right.
Team games
Divide your class into small teams. Put balloons or balls on the floor and raise each group to place a specific colored balloon or ball in one bucket. The team who does it first, wins. Such games are aimed towards inculcating the feeling of team spirit' right from the childhood itself.
Physical sports
Games like football hide and obtain, throwing the ball into the basket etc. help to create the kids physically active. It’s also good for developing the interests of kids towards sports.
Singing, dancing and reading
Kids are inspired to sing and dance. It’ll help them open up and also eliminate stage fright. They won't feel back once asked to perform in front of a large audience. Such activities act as confidence booster.'
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