Shanti Junior is the brain kid of 3 dynamic entrepreneurs having huge expertise in preschool in Bangalore education who have come together to meet their vision of beginning a preschool to nurture and nourish every kid for future to face the challenges of the dynamic society.
Childhood is exclusive, marvelous and may be molded to grow, develop and learn. Kids learn and attain the best in an environment that gives acceptance, affection, approval, self-assurance, attachment, dedication, support, love motherly care. Shanti Junior preschool in Bangalore could be a fine pre-schooling idea where stress is given to the development of each kid using state-of-art infrastructure and top quality creative programme.
Our Objectives
• To facilitate every kid bloom from a tiny sapling to a beautiful tree.
• To give a powerful foundation to assist kids in not only being academically smart but also a well custom-made citizen within the society.
• To give a congenial atmosphere and most opportunities thus on unfold their hidden potential
In designing Shanti Junior preschool, we tend to targeted on what kids wish to see. So as to meet this, we are equipped with the following:
• Expansive shaped playground
• With the progressive toys and equipments, that offer your kid the probabilities to exercise his/her skills by running, jumping, climbing, swinging successively helps in their gross motor developments.
• Bright, spacious and idea based class rooms
• With Feature activity and play center, which provides your kid creative opportunities within the areas of residence living, structure small influence development, big muscle development.
• Colorful and distinctive photos displayed on the class area walls, kids learn about a day objects, like animals, birds, shapes and colors etc. This helps in building vocabulary, speech, in scheming imagination, reading habits. The walls aren't simply decorative process, however they move and teach.
• Class rooms are well equipped with age acceptable toys, blocks, puzzles, beats, peg boards, form and color sorters for his or her fine motor developmental skills.
• Cute little sand pit
• To give your kid that beach like experiences, to play in sand, build castle, learn mathematical ideas, like measuring, running texture feeling.
• Audio-visual Arena
• To bring in kids to the charming world of animals, birds, flowers and lots of more connected topics to mix fun with learning.
Our Objectives
• To facilitate every kid bloom from a tiny sapling to a beautiful tree.
• To give a powerful foundation to assist kids in not only being academically smart but also a well custom-made citizen within the society.
• To give a congenial atmosphere and most opportunities thus on unfold their hidden potential
In designing Shanti Junior preschool, we tend to targeted on what kids wish to see. So as to meet this, we are equipped with the following:
• Expansive shaped playground
• With the progressive toys and equipments, that offer your kid the probabilities to exercise his/her skills by running, jumping, climbing, swinging successively helps in their gross motor developments.
• Bright, spacious and idea based class rooms
• With Feature activity and play center, which provides your kid creative opportunities within the areas of residence living, structure small influence development, big muscle development.
• Colorful and distinctive photos displayed on the class area walls, kids learn about a day objects, like animals, birds, shapes and colors etc. This helps in building vocabulary, speech, in scheming imagination, reading habits. The walls aren't simply decorative process, however they move and teach.
• Class rooms are well equipped with age acceptable toys, blocks, puzzles, beats, peg boards, form and color sorters for his or her fine motor developmental skills.
• Cute little sand pit
• To give your kid that beach like experiences, to play in sand, build castle, learn mathematical ideas, like measuring, running texture feeling.
• Audio-visual Arena
• To bring in kids to the charming world of animals, birds, flowers and lots of more connected topics to mix fun with learning.
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