World is coming into the Age of ideas and creativeness once a long reign of industrial age. The order of the day is ‘out of box’ thinking and creative mind. Shanti Junior Preschool in Bangalore may be a new age preschool, designed to cater to these wants. The environment to kids are exposed contains a powerful impact on their development and learning. In Shanti Junior, we tend to produce a motivating environment and develop the children to be thinkers, successful people and leaders.
Shanti Junior is based and run by professionals who have experience in preschool education and multiple intelligence theory and is backed by entrepreneurs, E- commerce specialist and IT professionals. They perceive the importance of nurturing the creativeness in young kids.
Curriculum for Shanti Junior is intended and systematically updated by a consultative panel consisting of extremely educated and with decades of expertise in education and trade. What kids would like is access to more and more of the important world; lots of time and space to contemplate their experiences, and to use fantasy and play to create meaning out of them; and advice, road maps, to create it easier for them to get where they require to go, and to find out what they want to find out.
Shanti Junior Preschool in Bangalore may be a kid central preschool wherever child’s goals and objectives of learning are given a lot of importance. In Shanti Junior, kids can explore and skill all the ideas of their childhood life. Shanti Junior creates a motivating environment and offers kids the freedom to learn within the way they want.
MI respects these interests and helps the child learn through his/her strong intelligence in contrast to conventional academic system. MI leads to effective learning as a child is exposed to several different ways to be told a concept. By developing kids through their strengths, we conjointly build them happy, grow their confidence, raise their belief and build them think intelligently.
In Shanti Junior Preschool in Bangalore, children’s learning isn't restricted to the classroom, but is extended to the important world. They’re given a first-hand expertise of what they learn through field visits, interaction with visiting specialists and special activities.
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